Mumbai DCR Regulation 51(i) states: Apart from residential use, Customary Home Occupation shall be permitted in buildings, premises or plots in a purely residential zone.
"Home occupation" is defined as customary home occupation other than conduct of eating or drinking place offering services to the general public customarily carried out by a member of the family residing on the premises with...
(View more)The Term Loading is Associated with Loading of TDR in the MCGM Building Proposal File.
In MCGM TDR is Permitted to be Utilised as per DCR 34. The Process of Utilising TDR and additing to the BUA of the Projeft commonly Refered to as Loading of TDR.
The BMC Estate Department is the Department which Maintains Records of the Lands and BUA Held by the MCGM.
The Functions and Services of the Department is pertaining to the Proposals for lease of Municipal plots , renewal of lease, Transfer of Leasehold rights, Recovery of lease rent, Ground rent etc.
Acceptance of Redevelopment of Municipal Tenanted properties, Leasing the plots to said propose...
Once the Submission is made to the MCGM with the Requisite Submission Requirements along with the Proposed Plans as per Regualtions and Duly Paying the Scrutiny Fee Thereafter.
The File is Processed in the Building Proposal Department and the Plans are Scrutinised the Cooncerned Engineering Staff to Process for the IOD.
In Case the Proposal Needs Relaxations (Commonly Known as Concessions) Th...
(View more)Yes Ofcourse, Why Not.
It would be Interesting to Know that Prior to the Right to Information Act and the East of doing Business Initiative
Only 30 to 40% of the Existing BUildings had OC.
Most of the Buidlings were without OC and yet have been Redeveloped
The Process of Redevelopment is vast to Explain.
However in a Box it can be Explained by understanding What is the Need of Redevelopment
!--StartFragment--Building are getting Old and some even Dilipidated
Times have changed and the Design Requirements have Changed (Such as Wooden Windows have been ousted by Aluminium French Glass Windows etc.. Small flat and room sizes with No attached Toi...
DRC Stands for Developments Rights Certificate.
It is as per the TDR Policy wherein DRC is Granted when any Reserved Land in Development Plan is Surrendered to the Municipal Corporation Free of Cost in Leiu of TDR, Which can be Sold in the Open Market by the Land Owner as TDR.
BCC is the Buildng Completion Certificate.
Procedurally the Regulations Require you to Obtain the Building Completion Certificate from the Planning Authority, After the Construction is Complete as per Approved Plans and as per Permissions granted.
After which the water Connetion should be Obtained from the Water Department and then Occupation Certificate should be Granted.
But Due to the Ease...
(View more)There is no limit to the number of students you may coach. Mumbai DCR Regulation 51(i) states: Apart from residential use, Customary Home Occupation shall be permitted in buildings, premises or plots in a purely residential zone.
"Home occupation" is defined as customary home occupation other than conduct of eating or drinking place offering services to the general public customarily carried ...
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