Results for #land

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Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • As per the provisions of the Income Tax Act the right in property would be dependent on who actually has made payment for the same. In this case, since the payment has been made by Raj, however, the Agreeement stands in the name of Raj's father unless Raj files a suit for ownership of the property in his exclusive name or gets the property transferred in his exclusive name, Raj's brother can de...
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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • You have to check the lease document, whether any such conditions are mentioned requiring consent of the owner in case of the redevelopment. sometimes the lease is executed in favour of the society for 99 or 999 years with complete right of the redevelopment.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • ( Source : Yes. Every real estate project which has land area more than 500 sqmts or has more than 8 apartments needs to be registered