Leave & License

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Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Detailed information for the same can be found here. http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/Acts/Transfer%20of%20Property%20Act,%201882/102120000000008804.htm

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • It is a very subjective question that can be answered on a case to case basis. Are you looking to buy and lease a flat in a distant suburb of mumbai just as an investment, but prefer that you are close to work and want to rent another property there ? Or are you planning to ensure that rental income of one place is used to offset the other. There are too many reasons why this may or not may not...
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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Any property which is leasedwould be governed by the Transfer of Property Act and property let on monthly tenancy basis would be governed by Rent Control Act.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Yes, it freezes the rent to a large extent and does not permit Landlord to increase rent arbitrarily. Plus it also provides protection against unjust eviction.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • One has to look at the terms of the rental/lease agreement. Standard practise is to give 1/3 months notice period before vacating. If there is no such provision in the agreement then one can stop paying rent after vacating the house.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Lease agreement can be terminated only if lessee has violated terms and condition of the agreement. Lease can be terminated by giving a notice in writing to that effect.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • No, the law does not permit forcible eviction. Eviction can be done only by following due process of law.