If the family settlement records transfer of property from name of one person to another then the same would attract stamp duty. If the properties had been acquired from joint family funds then the stamp duty can be minimized on that account.
Yes, the provision of section 194IA of the Income Tax Act will be applicable in this case and accordingly if the consideration to be paid is 50 lakhs or above then TDS @ 1% is required to be deducted.
The order passed by the Delhi High Court would not apply to properties located in Bangalore, unless similar orders are passed by the Kartanaka High Court or the Supreme Court for properties located in Bangalore.
Yes, Service Tax is applicable on the service portion in the execution of works contract. Currently, the abated rate of service tax on contract value is 4.5%
The MHADA Buildings as per DCR 33(5) eligible for aditional FSI. Recently the Govt of Maharastra brought in Revised Noms on 3rd july 2017 wherein the Fsi is Proposeed to be up to 4.00 for Plots more than 4000 smts and on roads more than 18mtrs. And up to 3.00 for plots less than 4000 smts.
As per section 194IA of Income Tax Act, the transferee is required to deduct TDS @ 1% at the time of credit of sum to the account of the transferor or at the time of payment of such sum if the total consideration is 50 lakhs or above. The said section was introduced w.e.f 1st June, 2013. Accordingly any payment made by you on or after 1st June, 2013 and if your purchase consideration is more th...
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