Results for #ownership

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Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Depending on your religion, the share of your father in the property will belong to your mother and her two daughters equally (in case of Hindus) and if the same is to be trandferred in her sole name, then the two sisters will have to transfer their respective shares in the property to the mother by way of a registered document. If the mother expires, then the property comes to the share of the...
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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • The question is vague, if you have the title documents and do not have physical possession of the property and the same is with someone else, then you will have to file a civil suit for possession of the property on the basis of your title documents.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Yes, there is nothing wrong in acquiring property in such manner. However it would eventually depend on facts of each case i.e. who is paying for the flat, what is to happen of the flat post the death of the parties in whose favour it is to be bought etc.

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Since the Pune Flat is owned by your mother, capital gains will arise to your mother. By investing in another residential flat exemption u/s. 54 of the Income Tax Act can be claimed upto a value of subsequent purchase.
    Further the Mumbai flat can be purchased in joint ownership of your mother and father. Joint ownership will not have any impact on exemption that will be available to your mothe...
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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • A power of attorney executed without consideration becomes redundant on the death of grantor and the flat would belong to the legal heirs of the party in the event of his/her having died intestate.