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Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Most houses with wooden doors and door frames experience Jamming during the monsoons. 

    This happens mainly because wooden doors and door frames get swollen up by absorbing the moisture in the atmosphere. Bathroom Doors and Door Frames are more susceptible to absorb moisture compared to all others.

    One of the most common solutions is to apply Weather Proof Paints or Polishes.

    People buying new a...

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    Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • I suppose the query is mainly for bathrooms. Its is a myth that wooden door frames gets decayed because of constant water spilling in the bathroom. To start with bathroom planning , specially shower placement should be such that no drop of water spills outside the shower area. Secondly it is perceived that granite or any stone does not require maintenance like paint, polish, etc. However, with ...
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