If the said property is your ancestral property then the same is a property of HUF and you are co-owner to the same.
However, if it is property of your father in his individual capacity then the most cost effective way is to make a gift deed and thereby transfer partial ownership as the gift so received will not taxable under the provisions of the Income Tax Act. The Stamp duty and registr...
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Comparison should be on following facts: 1. Type of building (e.g. Complex / stand alone / High or low rise); 2. Amenities and specifiactions; 3. Completion time and 4. On carpet area basis 5. Developer reputation and projects completed by him in the recent past
It is assumed that you want to add your wife's name as an equal owner in the property. If yes, then you can gift undivided share of a flat to your spouse by executing a gift deed to the extent of 50% and make relevant applications to the society for adding her name in the society records
( Source : maharera.mahaonline.gov.in) As per section 2(b), which defines ‘advertisement’, any medium adopted in soliciting for sale would be covered under the said definition, including sms and emails. Prospectus, which is intended for sale of apartment in real estate project, will also be covered.
A Power of Attorney if lawfully executed and registered as required under law and registered can be lawfully used for transfer of the property and any such transfer on the basis of such Power of Attorney would give good title to the purchaser.
It would have no difference on your title to the properties as you would be entitled to retain the same being a Person of Indian Origin and also since you acquired the same when you were Indian citizen.
A document purporting to transfer etc., an immoveable property of value above Rs.100/- is required to be compulsorily registered, failing which such document is not admissible in evidence in any proceedings.