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Answered on November 08, 2017
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  • Typically, light fixture wall switches in standard applications are set so that a standard 4-inch wall box is somewhere between 48 and 52 inches from the floor. There are a couple of advantages to this. First, this puts the switch at a comfortable height for most people in a standing position. Second, it makes for easy installation of wallboard during home construction. Standard sheets of 4-ft....

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    Answered on November 17, 2017
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  • While everyone has a different opinion on this topic, the distance of the seating from the television is heavily dependant on the size of the Television.

    The thumb rule is :

    For HDTV

    Optimal viewing distance = 1.5 to 2.5 times the screen diagonal

    Thus for a 42" HDTV,

    Optimal viewing distance = (1.5x42) to (2.5x42) = (63") to (105") = 5.4 feet to 8.9 or 9 feet


    For 4K HDTV

    Optimal viewing dis...

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