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129 Answered
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I would suggest you to check out the Real Estate Consultants in Mumbai, they will help you out in this.
Has there recently been a court order which restricts granting of permissions for new construction activity in Mumbai?
We have a few plots that we wish to sell. There are some plots in my father's name, some on multiple people's names and none on my brother's name. But when we are trying to sell my elder brother, who is a lawyer, is threatening the buyers. What do we do about this?
Is there any way to estimate the rent that will be provided to the existing tenants of a society under redevelopment for the period of redevelopment? Does there need to be a minimum corpus?
Is there a mandatory amount of square footage that a builder must give to the society? Also, what is the quantum of extra area that the builder gets ?
How long does it conventionally take to complete the construction of a 12-storey building?
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