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129 Answered
I was forced to rename my residential property in my father's name. After doing, this my brother convinced my father to sell all of it. Although, my father has let me live on part of the property, I am worried that he will also sell the part that I currently occupy. If this does happen, what can I do to prevent it?
If a flat is to be transferred from the owner to the society does it take very long?
Has there recently been a court order which restricts granting of permissions for new construction activity in Mumbai?
I won a flat that I purchased in 2010 and got the possession by the end of the year. I paid the 1% service tax on the flat at the time of the payment, but I did not pay any service tax as there was a case that was going on, about the percentage of the service tax on homes. Am I liable to pay this tax? If yes, how much ?
What is the basis for the calculation of society maintenance?
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