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129 Answered
What is the process of buying a property if you are an NRI?
A PIO acquired immovable property in 1983 under FERA section 31 with RBI approval. RBI issued a notification (FERA 152/93-RB 26.05.1993) granting general permission with certain conditions. Over a period, foreign exchange regulations changed. Also, section 31 is no longer in existence. Therefore, can a PIO dispose by way of sale of a residential flat(acquired in 83) to a resident Indian without obtaining special approval of RBI as required by Section 31?
If an immovable property is to be transferred via a gift deed, are there any taxes to be paid on the same?
I am going to inherit a property, could anyone help me with the inheritance laws for an apartment or flat?
Are PIOs and foreigners allowed to purchase residential and commerical property in India?
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